Principal: Most loans require you to pay some money each month toward the original balance you borrowed, which is presented as the principal balance of your loan.However, interest rates on some products like credit cards tend to be variable, meaning they fluctuate over time based on market conditions. The interest rate on some financial products like auto loans and personal loans is typically fixed, meaning it does not change over the life of the loan. Interest: Interest is the extra money charged by the lender to facilitate your loan each month.

If you take out a personal loan for $10,000 with a 6% origination fee, for example, you'll begin repaying your loan with a balance of $10,600. Some also charge an upfront origination fee, which is automatically added to the amount you owe. Fees: First, you should note that many types of loans have fees, including application fees and late fees.
These terms will ultimately impact how much you pay toward various loans each month, plus how long you'll be stuck making monthly payments. It's important to understand the most important terms that come into play in the loan industry. Let's dive into the ins and outs of how different types of loans work, as well as the steps you can take to calculate loan payments and save money on your loan each time you borrow money. After all, you need to know what your monthly payment will be like, as well as how loan fees and interest charges will impact your total borrowing costs. Any time you plan to borrow money, it always makes sense to calculate loan payments and costs ahead of time.